Jumat, 31 Januari 2020

Pubg Mobile Request Time Out

You will find hardware-accelerated rendering, choose force gpu rendering. go back to setting where you find the manage apps tap on it, choose pubg mobile, then other permission, and tap on both change wifi connectivity, and home screen shortcuts, to turn them on. go back to the main page and turn off the autostart, and return it on again so you can have the option of battery saving.. What's wrong with my game? or is it my server? pubg mobile 0.5.0 the phone i played on: https://amzn.to/2jd7uuk like to support me or donate some money to me to get better quality and more games. Kenapa pubg mobile versi sekarang itu sering request time out dan dissconect from server? gue juga gatau alesannya kenapa, mau marah, tapi gatau sama siapa, mau chat ke pubgnya tapi mikir ga.

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