Senin, 30 Desember 2019

Mobile Legends Game Loading

Froze for a long time, updates. by. admin-november 19, 2016. 23. share. facebook. there may also be a problem that is not caused by mobile legends. 1. try to exit the game and login again. 10/5/17 before update then ill update then enter game still cant even loading bar was full plss help me my id: 39689919. vote up 0 vote down reply.. First video for my channel and to help fellow gamers. please share it for others to see. please leave a like and subscribe if you enjoy this video.. Help gan app mobile legend ane stuck pas di loading screen kronologi jadi tadi mobile legend ane ada ganjal gan..pas maen di draft pick rank pas section ban+pick hero ml ane tiba2 ke force close sendiri..dan itu tentu sangat mengganggu..kira" 3 game an rank draft pick lah selalu force close terus...akhirnya coba googling dan nemu website yg menyuruh untuk melakukan cara: -hapus cache ml -upda.

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