With pubg, however, mobile players are running into a different problem: people playing the mobile version of the game with a mouse and keyboard and running roughshod over the competition. such. The keyboard and mouse invasion has begun. “there’s many ways a willing user can upgrade their mobile pubg experience,” motherboard reported.. But some players have figured out how to use a mouse and keyboard to play pubg mobile. and playing a mobile shooter with a mouse is like playing in god mode. and playing a mobile shooter with a.
Pubg mobile is getting dominated by mouse and keyboard players i’m going to let you in on a little secret: a mouse is a very effective way to aim a videogame gun.. If we want to be the kings of the game, certainly the use of keyboard and mouse in pubg mobile will give us a substantial advantage, the ability to perform strafe (lateral movement), point with the mouse and manage all the functions of the game with the keyboard is a differential point,. Pubg mobile is highly competitive, so serious players may feel forced to take the keyboard and mouse route. there's probably no effective way to stop that, either..
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